From March 2017, the College Board has decided the number of international SAT testing dates from six to four annually. Consequently, the SAT will now only be offered internationally in March, May, October and December of each year. There will no test dates for January, June or November administration for non-US students. As a student who is interested in studying in US, this really affects them! Fewer test dates mean less opportunity to take the SAT exam. This can impact the US college prep and test prep timelines. If you are like most students who wish to take the exam twice in an attempt to achieve your goal score, you will now need to plan more strategically the best time to take the SAT with only four dates per year. What's more, the GCSE and A-level exams are generally administered in the UK throughout May and June. Therefore, if you're not keen on doubling up on your testing, you could aim to take the SAT exam once in either December or March, and aga...